| 1. | They stood in the lush paddock, where the mess hall had been.
| 2. | While an enlisted man, Gravano mainly worked as a mess hall cook.
| 3. | A U . S . military mess hall sits behind the building.
| 4. | That's the way it's been since the mess hall was built ."
| 5. | The Dunwich Public Hall is also known as Benevolent Asylum Mess Hall.
| 6. | Visitors can buy food at the Camp Shelby officers'club or mess hall.
| 7. | In 1905, the house was used as an club and mess hall.
| 8. | The wardroom, galley and mess hall aft were torn apart and impassable.
| 9. | Some knobs leave the mess hall as hungry as they went in.
| 10. | None interviewed said he had seen anything suspicious inside the mess hall.